Hunted by Dahaka, an immortal incarnation of Fate seeking divine retribution, the Prince embarks upon a path of both carnage and mystery to defy his preordained death. His journey leads to the infernal core of a cursed island stronghold harboring mankind's greatest fears.
Only through grim resolve, bitter defiance and the mastery of deadly new combat arts can the Prince rise to a new level of warriorship - and emerge from this ultimate trial with his life.
Whats Ripped?
movies, music, ambient & cutscene speeches (subs on by default)
Download Links
RAR Password:
Installation Instructions:
1.: Unrar and Run "Unpak.bat" to unpack dataz.
2.: Run "PrinceOfPersia.exe" first to detect hardware. When hardware detected, play with "PrinceOfPersia.exe" or "POP2.EXE".
RAR Password:
Installation Instructions:
1.: Unrar and Run "Unpak.bat" to unpack dataz.
2.: Run "PrinceOfPersia.exe" first to detect hardware. When hardware detected, play with "PrinceOfPersia.exe" or "POP2.EXE".